Kawaii Floofy Cats
~A website to fulfill your needs for the floofiest cats~
Meow! Welcome to my kawaii website all about fluffy cats! Feel free to explore around, or just check out some pictures!! There's also reasons why fluffy cats are superior to normal cats :3
Here's some cute photos of the fluffiest cats!! (WARNING: May be mistaken for pillows)

Here are some tips on how to take care of your fluffy, wuffy cat:
- Give them plenty of water and food every day - it makes their fur more floofier!
- Brush their fur daily to keep it soft and fluffy - KNOT FREE zone!! You wouldn't want to pet their soft, floofy fur when it has knots, would you...?
- Provide them with toys and scratching posts to keep them entertained!!
Liked these?? We have even more on our tips page!!